

Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

Approve A (Agricultural) zoning for the portion of the property zoned RA (Low Density Residential), because it is consistent with the South County Sector Plan's AG (Agricultural) and the HP (Hillside Protection) overlay.

See case notes below



Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Details of Action

Approve A (Agricultural) zoning for the portion of the property zoned RA (Low Density Residential), because it is consistent with the South County Sector Plan's AG (Agricultural) and the HP (Hillside Protection) overlay.

Applicant Request


Property Information

1508 E. Governor John Sevier Hwy.

East side of E. Governor John Sevier Hwy., north of French Rd.

Commission District 9

84 acres

South County

Land Use Designation? AG

Currently on the Property

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
Approve A (Agricultural) zoning, because it is consistent with the South County Sector Plan's AG (Agricultural) and the HP (Hillside Protection) overlay.
Approve A (Agricultural) zoning, because it is consistent with the South County Sector Plan's AG (Agricultural) and the HP (Hillside Protection) overlay.
Disposition Summary
Approve A (Agricultural) zoning for the portion of the property zoned RA (Low Density Residential), because it is consistent with the South County Sector Plan's AG (Agricultural) and the HP (Hillside Protection) overlay.
Details of Action
Approve A (Agricultural) zoning for the portion of the property zoned RA (Low Density Residential), because it is consistent with the South County Sector Plan's AG (Agricultural) and the HP (Hillside Protection) overlay.

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
This Rezoning case in the County was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - February 13, 2021 has passed.


Case History