

Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

APPROVE PC-1 (Retail and Office Park)/H-1 (Historic Overlay) and design guidelines

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

6341 Middlebrook Pike

North side Middlebrook Pike, west of Weisgarber Rd.

Council District 3

1.70 acres

Planning Sector
Northwest County

Currently on the Property
Vacant historic house

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
APPROVE PC-1 (Retail and Office Park)/H-1 (Historic Overlay) and design guidelines
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE PC-1 (Retail and Office Park)/H-1 (Historic Overlay) and design guidelines
The Lones-Dowell House is a significant historic building dated from the 1850's, and the site of the building is also significant to historic development in west Knox County and Bearden. The developers of Dowell Springs, recognizing this historic significance, have made arrangements to donate the building and the parcel on which it is located to Knox Heritage, Inc., so that proper means can be taken to preserve the house.

What's next?

This Rezoning case in the CITY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - January 26, 2001 has passed.

Knox Heritage, Inc.

Case History