Property Information
Location8875 Kingston Pike
North side Kingston Pike, east of N. Peters Road.
Council District 2
Size8.09 acres
Planning SectorSouthwest County
Currently on the Property
Commercial, floodway of Ten-Mile Creek
- Utilities
SewerFirst Knox Utility District
WaterFirst Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
APPROVE C-3 (General Commercial), C-4 (Highway & Arterial Commercial), and F-1 (Floodway)
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE C-3 (General Commercial), C-4 (Highway & Arterial Commercial), and F-1 (Floodway)
The C-3, C-4 and F-1 zones are comparable to the previous county zoning and consistent with other zones found in the area. The sector plan designates the subject properties for commercial use and stream protection.