Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 1-E-21-IH.

717 Hiawassee Ave. 37917

Jeff Jeff Maitlen

Applicant Request
Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities
The proposed shed meets the design guidelines as it will be located to the rear of the property, behind the primary structure and oriented towards the alley. The shed will adhere to the City zoning ordinance requirements, as it is located 8' from the interior side property line and approximately 15' from the rear property line. Due to the shed's placement behind the primary house, the shed will not be visible from the public right-of-way. Placement of the shed is appropriate.

The shed is modest in size and uses vertical panels of a textured wood composite siding. Design guidelines note that "vertical siding or more economical methods" are appropriate for outbuildings. The shed could be easily removed without effect on the property.

Staff Comments
Installation of an 8' by 14' prefabricated shed. The shed is proposed to be placed on an existing 24' by 24' concrete pad to the rear of the property. The shed will be located 8' from the left side property line and 15' from the rear property line fronting the alley. The rectangular shed has a metal shed roof, an exterior of vertical composite wood siding, and a centrally located door. A 2' by 2' horizontal sliding window will be located on one side elevation.

Case History