Row Closure


Withdrawn by the Applicant

Withdraw closure as requested by the applicant.


Property Info

Applicant Request

Close Street From
White Ave
Clinch Ave
Reason for Closure
Applicant is requesting closure of this section of S. Twenty First Street due to safety concerns since it is the owner on either side of the street. Applicant has a high volume of pedestrian traffic crossing this section of the street. There is also a high volume of pedestrian traffic consisting of students.

The City of Knoxville Engineering objects to the proposed closure; City Fire has no objections; KUB has existing utilities within the subject right-of-way and retains all easements and rights.

Property Information

0 S. Twenty First St.

Council District 1

Planning Sector
Central City

Growth Plan
N/A (Within City Limits)


East TN Children's Hospital

Case History