Building Permit


Planning Staff Recommendation

Postpone 30 days for the applicant to submit a Planning Commisison application for the PC-zoned portion of the plan.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

Applicant Request


Property Information

1316 Lovell Rd

East side of Lovell Rd, south of Yarnell Rd and Bob Gray Rd

Commission District 3

2.52 acres

Place Type Designation
CMU (Corridor Mixed-use), HP (Hillside Protection)

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land

Case Notes


Staff Recommendation

Postpone 30 days for the applicant to submit a Planning Commisison application for the PC-zoned portion of the plan.
This is a request for approval of a grading plan for two parcels on Lovell Road.

The applicant also submitted a site plan for a multifamily residential building, but the site plan will be reviewed when an application is submitted for the site plans and building plans with a full package of drawings. Grading plan reviews involve Chapter 1 of the TTCDA Guidelines, including Section 1.12, Hillside and Ridgetop Development, since the site has land in the Hillside Protection (HP) area.

One of the parcels is zoned PC, which requires development plan approval by the Planning Commission, even for grading plans. For the requests to run concurrently between the TTCDA and the Planning Commission, we are recommending postponement of the request for the applicant to formally apply to the Planning Commission.

Diane's View