Street Closure
See agency comments and recommendations below
Property Info
Case Notes
What's next?
Applicant Request
− +Close Street
From Parcel 109KD010
Lancaster Dr
Lancaster Dr
To Parcel 109KF00701
Wallace Dr
Wallace Dr
Reason for Closure
Expansion of green space near Baker Creek Preserve. This green space will help create a safer pedestrian experience along the interface of the Baker Creek Bottoms Development.
Comments / Recommendations
− +Planning: Planning has no objections to the proposed ROW closure of Sevier Heights Road. The attached site plan shows how driveway access to the southern/main parking lot ingress and egress would be maintained. The street closure could improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians utilizing the Baker Creek Greenway trail crossing Taylor Road to the south by removing vehicular through traffic where the closure is proposed.
KUB: We have reviewed our records and find that we have existing utility facilities located within the subject right-of-way. The approximate locations of these facilities are indicated on the enclosed prints. However, KUB does not release and hereby retains all easements and rights for existing utility facilities, whether or not shown on these prints. Should this right-of-way be closed, KUB will require the following permanent easements for its utility facilities.
Electric/Fiber - 10 feet on each side of the centerline of the overhead lines, 20 feet total width
Gas - 12.5 feet on each side of the centerline of the water line, 25 feet total width
Water - 7.5 feet on each side of the centerline of the water line, 15 feet total width
AT&T: AT&T will need to retain any ROW/easements that currently have AT&T facilities on them.
Addressing: The proposed ROW closure will cause 12 addresses to be reassigned. If approved by City Council, new addresses will be assigned based on access to the buildings. Several of the addresses are associated with condominiums. Once the addresses are changed, the master deed should be updated to reflect the new address assignments. A copy of the review was mailed to the owner of each condominium on August 8, 2024. Please contact addressing staff with any questions at 865.215.2507.
City Engineering: City Engineering has no objections to the closure. Should this right-of-way be closed, the City will reserve easements for all drainage facilities and utilities, if there are any current facilities, located in or within five (5) feet of the property described herein. No easements are reserved if there are no current facilities within the closure area. If any existing facilities or utilities are found not feasible to the site development or use, they may be removed and relocated, subject to City Engineering and/or other applicable easement holder review and approval.
TDOT: The roadway closure requested for review has no impact to State owned ROW. Therefore, TDOT takes no exception to the request. As always, thank you for the opportunity to review and make comment.
Fire Department: Approved for Fire Department access.
KUB: We have reviewed our records and find that we have existing utility facilities located within the subject right-of-way. The approximate locations of these facilities are indicated on the enclosed prints. However, KUB does not release and hereby retains all easements and rights for existing utility facilities, whether or not shown on these prints. Should this right-of-way be closed, KUB will require the following permanent easements for its utility facilities.
Electric/Fiber - 10 feet on each side of the centerline of the overhead lines, 20 feet total width
Gas - 12.5 feet on each side of the centerline of the water line, 25 feet total width
Water - 7.5 feet on each side of the centerline of the water line, 15 feet total width
AT&T: AT&T will need to retain any ROW/easements that currently have AT&T facilities on them.
Addressing: The proposed ROW closure will cause 12 addresses to be reassigned. If approved by City Council, new addresses will be assigned based on access to the buildings. Several of the addresses are associated with condominiums. Once the addresses are changed, the master deed should be updated to reflect the new address assignments. A copy of the review was mailed to the owner of each condominium on August 8, 2024. Please contact addressing staff with any questions at 865.215.2507.
City Engineering: City Engineering has no objections to the closure. Should this right-of-way be closed, the City will reserve easements for all drainage facilities and utilities, if there are any current facilities, located in or within five (5) feet of the property described herein. No easements are reserved if there are no current facilities within the closure area. If any existing facilities or utilities are found not feasible to the site development or use, they may be removed and relocated, subject to City Engineering and/or other applicable easement holder review and approval.
TDOT: The roadway closure requested for review has no impact to State owned ROW. Therefore, TDOT takes no exception to the request. As always, thank you for the opportunity to review and make comment.
Fire Department: Approved for Fire Department access.
Property Information
− +Location
Planning Sector
Fire Department / District
0 Sevier Heights Rd.
Council District 1
Planning Sector
South City
Fire Department / District
Knoxville Fire Department
What's next?
− +- Appeal to Because of its location in the CITY, appeals will be heard by Knoxville City Council
City of Knoxville
Case History
- July 30, 2024
Date Filed
- August 1, 2024
by the Planning Commission
- August 27, 2024
Date Filed
- September 1, 2024
by the Planning Commission