Use On Review


Approved with conditions
by the Planning Commission

Approve the request to expand the existing rural retreat indoor event facility by approximately 1,750 sqft of floor area and 80 persons, increasing the total for the rural retreat to 5,450 sqft of floor area and a maximum of 270 persons, subject to 5 co

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information


West side of McCubbins Rd., northwest side of Wooddale Church Rd.

Commission District 8

43.43 acres

Place Type Designation
LDR (Low Density Residential), HP (Hillside Protection), SP (Stream Protection)

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
Approve the request to expand the existing rural retreat indoor event facility by approximately 1,750 sqft of floor area and 80 persons, increasing the total for the rural retreat to 5,450 sqft of floor area and a maximum of 270 persons, subject to 5 co
1) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, including but not limited to certification of the minimum sight distance at the McCubbins Road access and the driveway and parking lot design.
2) Meeting all requirements of the Knox County Fire Prevention Bureau.
3) Meeting all requirements of the utility provider and/or the Knox County Health Department.
4) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, including but not limited to the supplemental regulations for rural retreats, Section 4.104.
5) Any rural retreat use area, including parking areas, within the 200 ft setback to a property line or 300 ft to a residential structure is not to be approved with this application because setback waivers from adjacent property owners have not been signed and provided with this application. A new rural retreat application is required if setback waivers are agreed upon by adjacent property owners and the applicant wishes to incorporate these use areas with the rural retreat. Parking may be relocated outside of the 200 ft and 300 ft setbacks but must be in the same general area as shown on the plan.

With the conditions noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval of a rural retreat in the A (Agricultural) zone and the criteria for approval of a use on review.
Disposition Summary
Approve the request to expand the existing rural retreat indoor event facility by approximately 1,750 sqft of floor area and 80 persons, increasing the total for the rural retreat to 5,450 sqft of floor area and a maximum of 270 persons, subject to 5 co

What's next?

As a Use On Review case, the Planning Commission's decision is final, and it will not be heard by a legislative body unless it is appealed.

The appeal deadline - November 4, 2023 - has passed.

The Process

Holston Springs LLC

Case History