Property Information
Location429 Forestal Drive
One block south of Tazewell Pike on the north side of Forestal Drive, southwest of Rochat Road
Council District 4
Census Tract 43
Size0.13 acres
Planning SectorNorth City
Land Use Classification LDR (Low Density Residential LDR (Low Density Residential
Currently on the Property
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
The Planning Commission approved O (Office) as the One-Year Plan designation, since it would be a minor extension of the existing Office designation and is compatible with surrounding uses.
Staff Recommendation
Adopt Resolution #10-D-19-SP, amending this parcel in the North City Sector Plan map to the O (Office) designation.
Staff recommends adoption of resolution #10-D-19-SP, amending this parcel in the North City Sector Plan map to the O (Office) designation since it would be a minor extension of the existing O designation.