Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission
The Planning Commission approved CN zoning citing a change in development pattern following a new condominium complex to the northeast of this site.
The Planning Commission approved CN zoning citing a change in development pattern following a new condominium complex to the northeast of this site.
This zone provides for a wide range of agricultural and related uses as well as residential uses with low population densities and other compatible uses which generally require large areas or open spaces.
This commercial zoning district provides the opportunity to locate limited retail and service uses in a manner convenient to and yet not disruptive to established residential neighborhoods. It is intended to provide for the recurring shopping and personal service needs of nearby residential areas. Development should be compatible with the character of the adjacent neighborhood. This zoning should generally be placed at street intersections that include either a collector or arterial street, as close to the edge of the neighborhood as possible. The range of permitted uses is limited to those that are generally patronized on a frequent basis by neighborhood residents. Development performance standards are provided to maximize compatibility between commercial uses and adjacent residential uses.
At southeast quadrant of the roundabout intersection of Choto Road and S. Northshore Drive
Commission District 5