

Approved with Conditions

Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone with up to 5 du/ac on the Industrial-zoned portion and up to 3.25 du/ac on the Agricultural-zoned portion of the subject property, subject to one condition.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information


South side of Ball Camp Pike, west of Bakertown Rd

Commission District 6

20.85 acres

Place Type Designation
MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District), LDR (Low Density Residential), HP (Hillside Protection)

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone with up to 5 du/ac on the Industrial-zoned portion and up to 3.25 du/ac on the Agricultural-zoned portion of the subject property, subject to one condition.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone with up to 5 du/ac on the Industrial-zoned portion and up to 3.25 du/ac on the Agricultural-zoned portion of the subject property, subject to one condition.
1) The portion of the parcel with slopes of 25% or greater shall be left undisturbed, as delineated in the slope analysis map.

What's next?

This Rezoning case in the COUNTY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - November 4, 2023 has passed.

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Case History