Accessory structure; Doors; Roofing; Siding; Windows
Exterior rehabilitation of secondary structure. Existing garage to be converted to accessory dwelling unit.
Replacement of existing metal roof with new asphalt shingle roof cladding. Replacement of existing 1/1 double-hung windows with new wood 1/1 double-hung windows on the south elevation (facing rear of house). Replacement of wood door with a new four-light door. On the east elevation, the garage opening will be enclosed with a wood clad, full-light screen door on the right side. T-111 plywood siding on gable fields to be replaced with wood shakes.
Staff Comments
Queen Anne, c.1910
One-story frame residence with a hipped roof with projecting gables, an exterior clad in asbestos shingle siding, and a brick foundation
Roofs 4. Materials used in roofing existing buildings or new construction shall duplicate the original roofing materials as much as possible. Asphalt or fiberglass shingles can be appropriate, as are slate, standing seam metal, or metal or wood shingle roof coverings. The color of roofing materials should be a dark green, charcoal gray or black or dark reddish brown, to simulate the original roof colors.
Infill Buildings 13. If garages or other outbuildings are constructed, they may resemble servants' quarters or carriage houses, work buildings, or simple one story garages that have been historically constructed in Edgewood - Park City. Their size and construction must use materials which correspond to the original primary buildings on the lot.
Windows 3. If replacement windows are necessary, they must be the same overall size as the orignals, with the same pane division, and same muntin style and exterior depth, width, and profile.