Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Providing for discussion from the Commission on the east elevation windows, staff recommends approval of Certificate 10-G-24-HZ as submitted.

Location Knoxville
1800 Jefferson Ave. 37917

Andrew Randazzo

Applicant Request
Doors; Siding; Windows
Removal of two one-over-one, double-hung aluminum windows on the east elevation and four one-over-one, double-hung aluminum windows on the west elevation. Windows will be replaced with new, one-over-one, double-hung, aluminum-clad wood windows. On the west elevation, the replacement windows will be the same size as the existing. On the east elevation, two windows (center bay, first story) will be reduced in height by approximately 20".

Rear elevation door to be shifted to location of adjacent window.

Staff Comments
Queen Anne, c.1900
    One-and-one-half-story frame residence with a hipped roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of aluminum siding, and a continuous foundation. Two gable-roof dormers are evenly spaced on the front roof slope. Centrally-located, front-gable roof portico.

3. If replacement windows are necessary, they must be the same overall size as the originals, with the same pane division, and the same muntin style and exterior depth, width and profile. Thermal sash windows that use false muntins are not acceptable.
4. Windows shall not be replaced with fixed thermal glazing or be made inoperable.
7. Historic windows shall not be blocked in. If ceilings have been dropped, provide a setback to allow for the full height of the original window openings. Do not cut across an existing window with a new floor or ceiling, so that the outside appearance of the window is changed.
8. Reuse existing, serviceable window hardware.

2. It may be appropriate to design or construct a new entrance if the historic one is missing. Any restoration shall be based on historical, pictorial and physical documentation and be compatible with the historic character of the building.
3. A replacement entrance must not create a false historic appearance. A new entrance shall be compatible in size, scale, materials and color.
4. Entrances shall not be removed when rehabilitating a building.
5. Service or rear entrances shall not be altered to make them appear more formal by adding paneled doors, fanlights or sidelights.
6. Secondary entrances shall be compatible with the originals in size, scale and materials.


4. If replacement is necessary, replace historic materials in kind.
d. It is not appropriate to enlarge or reduce the size of the original opening to accommodate the installation of a replacement window.
e. Replacement windows are to match the operation type (e.g., double-hung) of the original window.
f. Alternative materials for replacement windows may be considered, as long as the replacements match the overall size, muntin configuration and profile, meeting rail width and profile, and style of the original windows.

Case History