Approve RN-4 (General Residential Neighborhood) zoning and IH (Infill Housing Overlay) because it is consistent with surrounding development and the adjacent land use designation.
Approve RN-4 (General Residential Neighborhood) zoning and IH (Infill Housing Overlay) because it is consistent with surrounding development and the adjacent land use designation.
The C-N Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District is intended to provide for an environment of integrated residential development and small-scale commercial and service uses, predominantly serving nearby residential neighborhoods. Low- intensity mixed-use is encouraged within the C-N District, with dwellings permitted above the ground floor, as well as multi-family and townhouse development located alongside select commercial uses.
The IH Infill Housing Overlay Zoning District is intended to foster infill residential development and major additions that are compatible with the design of original houses in older Knoxville neighborhoods, particularly those built more than 50 years ago along grid streets that often had sidewalks and alleys.
The RN-4 General Residential Neighborhood Zoning District is intended to accommodate mixed medium density residential development within the City of Knoxville. Single-family,
two-family, and townhouse dwellings are permitted with low-rise multi-family dwellings and new development forms
such as pocket neighborhoods allowed by review and in some cases with special use approval. The RN-4 District is intended to be applied to neighborhoods that are characterized by such mixed residential development, or that have been identified
as areas where such development would be suitable in the future. Limited nonresidential uses that are compatible with the character of the district may also be permitted.
The IH Infill Housing Overlay Zoning District is intended to foster infill residential development and major additions that are compatible with the design of original houses in older Knoxville neighborhoods, particularly those built more than 50 years ago along grid streets that often had sidewalks and alleys.
East side of Whittle Springs Rd, south of Money Pl
Council District 4
Land Use Classification NC (Neighborhood Commercial) NC (Neighborhood Commercial)