Approve the C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) district because it meets the intent of the district. The HP (Hillside Protection Overlay) district will be retained.
Approve the C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) district because it meets the intent of the district. The HP (Hillside Protection Overlay) district will be retained.
The RN-5 General Residential Neighborhood Zoning District is intended to accommodate medium density residential neighborhoods in the City of Knoxville comprising a heterogeneous mix of single-family, two-family, townhouse, and multifamily dwellings. The RN-5 District may also serve as a functional transition between traditionally single-family and two family residential neighborhoods within the City, and more intensely developed residential or commercial areas. Limited nonresidential uses that are compatible with the character of the district may also be permitted.
The HP District is intended to protect Knoxville's significant natural topographic features, and to prevent potential serious consequences from hillside development, such as increased erosion, fire, or flood hazards, and property damage.
The C-N Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District is intended to provide for an environment of integrated residential development and small-scale commercial and service uses, predominantly serving nearby residential neighborhoods. Low- intensity mixed-use is encouraged within the C-N District, with dwellings permitted above the ground floor, as well as multi-family and townhouse development located alongside select commercial uses.
Southeast side of Virginia Ave, northwest side of W Oldham Ave, northeast of Fort Promise Dr
Council District 6
Land Use Classification MDR (Medium Density Residential), HP (Hillside Protection) MDR (Medium Density Residential), HP (Hillside Protection)