Property Information
Location0 Rutledge Pike
North side of Rutledge Pike, east side of Brandville Road and west of Ellistown Road
Commission District 8
Census Tract 52.02
Size37.97 acres
Place Type DesignationLDR (Low Density Residential)
Currently on the Property
Vacant parcel
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Outside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterNortheast Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Staff Recommendation
Approve PC (Planned Commercial) zoning for the portion of the parcel shown in Exhibit B (the applicant requested CB and PC over a different portion of the property).
Staff recommends approval of PC (Planned Commercial) zoning for the portion of the parcel as shown on Exhibit B since the new zoning would allow similar uses to those already existing along Rutledge Pike, with the recommendation that a ?Type A? landscaping screen, as found in the Landscaping Screening Design Guidelines, be installed along any shared boundaries with residential zoning.
Disposition Summary
The Planning Commission approved PC (Planned Commercial) zoning for the portion of the parcel as shown on Exhibit B (the applicant requested CB (Business and Manufacturing) and PC over a different portion of the parcel).