Details of Action
Commercial storage with several truck trips and employees at the site daily is not an appropriate consideration for "indoor storage" as a use on review in the A zone. Commercial storage on this site would result in inappropriate commercial noise and truck traffic on Tipton Ln., a deadend, local street serving as the sole means of access to a stable, predominately single family neighborhood, The sector plan proposes low density residential use and stream protection for this site.
Property Information
Location7100 Tipton Ln.
Southeast side Tipton Ln., south of E. Beaver Creek Dr.
Commission District 7
Size4.47 acres
Currently on the Property
Residence and large garage
Growth PlanPlanned Growth Area
- Utilities
SewerHallsdale-Powell Utility District
WaterHallsdale-Powell Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Details of Action
Commercial storage with several truck trips and employees at the site daily is not an appropriate consideration for "indoor storage" as a use on review in the A zone. Commercial storage on this site would result in inappropriate commercial noise and truck traffic on Tipton Ln., a deadend, local street serving as the sole means of access to a stable, predominately single family neighborhood, The sector plan proposes low density residential use and stream protection for this site.
Staff Recommendation
Commercial storage with several truck trips and employees at the site daily is not an appropriate consideration for "indoor storage" as a use on review in the A zone. Commercial storage on this site would result in inappropriate commercial noise and truck traffic on Tipton Ln., a deadend, local street serving as the sole means of access to a stable, predominately single family neighborhood, The sector plan proposes low density residential use and stream protection for this site.