Property Information
Location3725 Tocar Road
North side of Tocar Road east of Dogwood Road
Council District 4
Census Tract 51
Size1.32 acres
Planning SectorNorth City
Land Use Classification LDR (Low Density Residential) LDR (Low Density Residential)
Currently on the Property
Vacant parcel
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
The Planning Commission approved OS-2 (Park and Open Space District) zoning since it would be a minor extension of the OS-2 zone, subject to the condition that any parking areas be screened with "Type B" landscaping per the Landscaping and Screening Gui
Staff Recommendation
Approve the OS-2 (Park and Open Space District) zoning subject to one condition.
Staff recommends approval of the requested OS-2 (Park and Open Space District) zoning since it would be a minor extension of the OS-2 zone, subject to the condition that any parking areas be screened with ?Type B? landscaping per the Landscaping and Screening Guidelines.