Use On Review


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

APPROVE a duplex at this location in the R-1 zone, subject to 6 conditions:.

See case notes below



Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Details of Action

1. Meeting the applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance.
2. Meeting any relevant requirements of the City of Knoxville Department of Engineering.
3. Meeting the requirements of the City of Knoxville Arborist.
4. Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Health Department.
5. Installing all proposed landscaping, as shown on the plan, within six months of issuance of building permits for this project.
6. Preserving and protecting all existing landscaping shown on the plan.

Applicant Request


Property Information

903 Morrell Rd

Southwest side of Morrell Rd., southeast side of Westland Dr.

Council District 2

0.53 acre

Planning Sector
West City

Land Use Classification Low Density Residential Low Density Residential

Currently on the Property
Vacant land

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
APPROVE a duplex at this location in the R-1 zone, subject to 6 conditions:.
Details of Action
1. Meeting the applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance.
2. Meeting any relevant requirements of the City of Knoxville Department of Engineering.
3. Meeting the requirements of the City of Knoxville Arborist.
4. Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Health Department.
5. Installing all proposed landscaping, as shown on the plan, within six months of issuance of building permits for this project.
6. Preserving and protecting all existing landscaping shown on the plan.
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE a duplex at this location in the R-1 zone, subject to 6 conditions:.
1. Meeting the applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance.
2. Meeting any relevant requirements of the City of Knoxville Department of Engineering.
3. Meeting the requirements of the City of Knoxville Arborist.
4. Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Health Department.
5. Installing all proposed landscaping, as shown on the plan, within six months of issuance of building permits for this project.
6. Preserving and protecting all existing landscaping shown on the plan.

With the conditions noted above, this request meets the requirements for approval in the R-1 zone, and the other criteria for approval of a use on review.

What's next?

As a Use On Review case, the Planning Commission's decision is final, and it will not be heard by a legislative body unless it is appealed.

The appeal deadline - October 26, 2001 - has passed.

The Process