
Concept Plan


by the Planning Commission

APPROVE variances 1 - 5 because the site's topography restricts compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, and the proposed variances will not create a traffic hazard.

APPROVE the Concept Plan subject to 3 conditions:

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

Mark Whitaker Water Plant & KUB Substation


1. Intersection grade variance on Birdsong St. at Riverside Dr., from 1% to 5.36%.
2. Grade variance on Birdsong St. from 12% to 15%
3. Vertical curve variance at station 0+35 on Birdsong St., from 241' to 50'.
4. Vertical curve variance at station 1+50 on Birdsong St., from 137.5' to 50'.
5. Intersection radius variance at the southeast corner of the intersection of Birdsong St. and Riverside Dr., from 25' to 0'.

Property Information

South side of Riverside Dr. north end of Birdsong St.

Council District 5

4,000 square feet

Planning Sector
East City

Currently on the Property
Existing public street and vacant lot

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
APPROVE variances 1 - 5 because the site's topography restricts compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, and the proposed variances will not create a traffic hazard.

APPROVE the Concept Plan subject to 3 conditions:

Staff Recommendation
APPROVE variances 1 - 5 because the site's topography restricts compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, and the proposed variances will not create a traffic hazard.

APPROVE the Concept Plan subject to 3 conditions:
1. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knoxville Department of Engineering.
2. Acceptance by the City of Knoxville of the balance of CLT Parcel 095FD016 as public right-of-way or approval by the Knoxville Board of Zoning Appeals of the substandard lot that would be a result of the right-of-way modification required for this street improvement.
3. A final plat application based on this concept plan will not be accepted for review by the MPC until certification of design plan approval has been submitted to the MPC staff.

With the conditions noted, the request meets all requirements for approval of a concept plan.

What's next?

Appeals of Concept Plans and Final Plats are filed with Chancery CourtThe Process

Mark Whitaker Water Plant & KUB Substation

Knoxville Utilities Board

Case History