Property Information
LocationGenerally south of Fairmont Blvd, east of N. Broadway, north of Washington Pike and west of Whittle Springs Rd.
Council Districts 4 & 5
Planning SectorEast City
Currently on the Property
Low density residential housing
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
R-1 (Low Density Residential/IH-1 (Infill Housing Overlay) including an amendment to the Heart of Knoxville Infill Housing Guidelines
Staff Recommendation
Approve IH-1 (Infill Housing Overlay) as identified on map including an amendment to the Heart of Knoxville Infill Housing Guidelines
Earlier this year, City Council asked MPC to examine the potential for an infill housing overlay in the Edgewood Park neighborhood (the area south of Fairmont Boulevard toward Whittle Springs Road). This is a neighborhood that was platted and largely developed during the 1920 to 1950 period. As such, it contains a variety of housing styles (Craftsman, Dutch Colonial Revival, Tudor Revival, Minimal Traditional and Ranch). In examining the area, MPC staff found that there were essentially two issues that an infill housing overlay could address in fostering neighborhood stability: (1) complementary new housing on vacant parcels or land that is cleared for redevelopment, and (2) compatible changes to existing houses that respect the overall investment that is occurring in the neighborhood. Because some blocks in this neighborhood have a greater mix of pre- and post- World War II era housing, a new section is being recommended for inclusion to the previously adopted guidelines (that is, Section 12).
In September, City Council enacted a moratorium on building permits in this area, allowing time for neighborhood review of the zoning amendment and the proposed guidelines. After notifying property owners in the proposed overlay district via postcard, a meeting was held during which MPC staff provided an overview of the overlay, its implications (including measures that avoid the need for most variances) and the revised guideline provisions. Approximately 40 to 50 people attended the meeting. Almost all those in attendance noted they were in favor of the overlay; five or six people noted that they were not in favor of the overlay or displeased that a construction moratorium is in place.