Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


332 Chickamauga Ave

Jim Jim Fox

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Plot Plan.--A private walkway leads from the street to the 8'X14' porch. The frontyard seback is 41' (to the habitable portion of the house). The sideyard setback to the west is 6.3' and 5.8' on the east sideyard setback. The driveway is 12' wide and is accessed off the alley. The pine trees and dogwood are to remain in the front yard. The house dimensions are 30' deep and 38' wide. There is no chain link fence proposed in the front yard and no chain link fence is to be installed at a latter date. All other detail can be found on the attached plot plan provided by the applicant.

Architectural Elevations.-- All the windows on the front are 6/6 mullion pattern, there are 3 windows on the front; two separate single windows to the left and one double window to the right side of the house. The roof pitch is 5/12. The front porch measures 8'X14'. The siding is vinyl. All other detail can be found on the attached architectural elevations provided by the applicant.

Jim Jim Fox

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History