Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


2106 Ohio Ave

Barbara Barbara Mott KHP KHP

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Site Plan - Front yard setback is 16', east side yard setback is 19' 1" and the west side yard setback is 8'6". A tree is planted in the front yard and a private walkway connects the porch to the street and the driveway is accesses from Ohio Avenue and extends at least 20' beyond the façade. The porch is 12' 4" deep.

Architectural Elevation - The exposed concrete foundation does not exceed 1' on the façade. There is a double window to the right of the door and a since window in the recessed porch to the left side of the door, when looking from Ohio Avenue. The roof pitch is 9:12.

All details of the approval are illustrated in the accompanying drawings.

Brad Brad Raines Elizabeth Eason Architects Elizabeth Eason Ar

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History