Other Business


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

APROVE an election of Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission Officers for Calendar Year 2021. Pat Phillips is elected as Chair for calendar year 2021. Scott Smith is elected as Vice Chair for calendar year 2021.

See case notes below


Case Notes



election of Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission Officers for Calendar Year 2021.


Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
APROVE an election of Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission Officers for Calendar Year 2021. Pat Phillips is elected as Chair for calendar year 2021. Scott Smith is elected as Vice Chair for calendar year 2021.
APROVE an election of Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission Officers for Calendar Year 2021. Pat Phillips is elected as Chair for calendar year 2021. Scott Smith is elected as Vice Chair for calendar year 2021. S
Disposition Summary
APROVE an election of Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission Officers for Calendar Year 2021. Pat Phillips is elected as Chair for calendar year 2021. Scott Smith is elected as Vice Chair for calendar year 2021.

Knoxville-Knox County Planning

Case History