Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 11-A-22-IH, subject to the following conditions:
1) Front setback to be modified to align with front setback pattern of block;
2) Final site plan to meet City Engineering standards and coverage limits of the RN-2 zoning, incorporating a walkway from the front door to the sidewalk;
3) Foundation height to be elevated to be compatible with original houses on the block;
4) Final elevation drawings to accurately depict front porch placement, including an 8' depth and revised posts;
5) Incorporation of additional windows on the side elevations;
6) Use siding with an overlap like typical wood lap siding instead of Dutch lap or flush panel siding;
7) Final site plan to include a native or naturalized shade tree in the front and rear yards.

325 Oglewood Ave. 37917

Michael Michael Girard

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The new house will feature a main massing approximately 29' from the front property line. The porch depth is not defined on the drawings. The average front setback on the block face is ~21'. The house should be moved up towards the front property line to align with the average front setback of the block. The final site plan should include a walkway from the front porch to the sidewalk.

2. The block is characterized by modest one-story, three-bay Queen Anne cottages and some Craftsman bungalows. The proposed house is proportionate to the dimensions of the lot and the other houses on the block. The side setbacks will be evenly spaced along the block.

3. While the parking meets the Infill Housing design guidelines as being located behind the main house and accessible from the alley, final modifications may be necessary to meet City Engineering standards and the coverage limits of the RN-2 zoning. The applicant has indicated they would demolish the garage to remain within the building and impervious surface coverage limits, if necessary.

4. The one-story, three-bay façade is similar in scale and width to the block and neighborhood. The elevation drawings indicate a concrete slab foundation; guidelines recommend that foundations be the same height as original houses in the neighborhood. The foundation height should be elevated to be compatible with surrounding historic houses. The design includes a projecting front porch on the façade.

5. The design includes a partial-width, front-gable roof porch on the side of the façade. The front porch's location does not correspond on the elevation drawings; drawings should be updated to accurately show porch placement, and a porch depth of at least 8'. The porch design should be revised to include larger posts and additional detail as needed.

6. One-over-one windows instead of multi-light windows with simulated muntins are more appropriate for the neighborhood. Window placement should be revised to include additional transparency on the side elevations.

7. At 6/12, the roof pitch is the minimum typically approved in the Infill Housing overlay. The projecting bay from the porch adds complexity.

8. The roof cladding and siding meet the design guidelines. Additional siding elements may contribute additional complexity to the relatively simple design. The vinyl siding should use an overlap instead of flush panel or Dutch lap siding. The foundation should be elevated and clad in stucco or brick veneer to be more compatible with the context.

9. The final site plan should include a native or naturalized shade tree in the front and rear yards.

Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting Oglewood Ave. One-story residence features a front-gable roof (6/12 pitch, clad in asphalt shingles), an exterior of vinyl siding, and a concrete slab foundation. The front porch will be set 21' from the front property line, making the house ~29' from the front property line. Parking is proposed as a 10' wide by 35' long concrete drive accessed from the alley.

The façade (southeast) features a partial-width front-gable porch on one half of the façade, supported by square posts. The façade features paired double-hung windows and a centrally located half-light door. The left elevation features one centrally-located double-hung window, with two smaller fixed windows on the right elevation. A secondary entry accesses a small wood deck on the rear elevation.

Mike Mike Ballinger Rock Creek Construction Rock Creek Constru

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History