Street Closure
See agency comments and recommendations below
Property Info
Case Notes
What's next?
Applicant Request
− +Close Street
From City Blocks 09248 and 09265
Hannah Ave
Hannah Ave
To I-40 Interchange at City Blocks 09263 and 09265
Tulip Ave
Tulip Ave
Reason for Closure
Owner owns parcles on both side of the road, so no public roads are needed.
Comments / Recommendations
The applicant is requesting to close the Heins Street right-of-way in its entirety, from Tulip Avenue to Blackstock Avenue. The subject right-of-way provides legal access to 6 parcels, which are also owned by the applicant. If approved for closure, the right-of-way will be combined with the adjacent parcels and converted to private property, and the parcels will be accessible via an unnamed alley. This is request is accompanied by a request to close a portion of the Hannah Avenue right-of-way (11-B-24-SC), which intersects with Heins Street.
The reviewing departments and organizations had these comments:
- Planning: Since the applicant owns all abutting properties, Planning has no objections to the closure.
- City of Knoxville Engineering:
- Addressing:
1. The proposed ROW closure will cause two addresses to be reassigned. If approved by City Council, new addresses will be assigned based on access to the buildings.
2. A copy of the review was mailed to the owner on 10/23/2024 for the address reassignment.
3. Please contact addressing staff with any questions at 865.215.2507.
- Fire Department: Disapproved, required for fire dept access.
- KUB: We have reviewed our records and find that we have existing utility facilities located within the subject right-of-way. The approximate locations of these facilities are indicated on the enclosed prints. However, KUB does not release and hereby retains all easements and rights for existing utility facilities, whether or not shown on these prints. Should this right-of-way be closed, KUB will require the following permanent easements for its utility facilities.
Electric - 10 feet on each side of the centerline of the overhead lines, 20 feet total width
Gas - 7.5 feet on each side of the centerline of the gas line, 15 feet total width
Sewer - 7.5 feet on each side of the centerline of the sewer line, 15 feet total width
Water - 7.5 feet on each side of the centerline of the water line, 15 feet total width
- AT&T: AT&T would request that they retain a 10ft easement in place along the existing pole line on the west side
of Heins St. between Tulip Ave. and Blackstone Ave.
- TDOT: The roadway closure requested for review has no impact to state owned ROW. Therefore, TDOT takes no exception to the request.
The applicant is requesting to close the Heins Street right-of-way in its entirety, from Tulip Avenue to Blackstock Avenue. The subject right-of-way provides legal access to 6 parcels, which are also owned by the applicant. If approved for closure, the right-of-way will be combined with the adjacent parcels and converted to private property, and the parcels will be accessible via an unnamed alley. This is request is accompanied by a request to close a portion of the Hannah Avenue right-of-way (11-B-24-SC), which intersects with Heins Street.
The reviewing departments and organizations had these comments:
- Planning: Since the applicant owns all abutting properties, Planning has no objections to the closure.
- City of Knoxville Engineering:
- Addressing:
1. The proposed ROW closure will cause two addresses to be reassigned. If approved by City Council, new addresses will be assigned based on access to the buildings.
2. A copy of the review was mailed to the owner on 10/23/2024 for the address reassignment.
3. Please contact addressing staff with any questions at 865.215.2507.
- Fire Department: Disapproved, required for fire dept access.
- KUB: We have reviewed our records and find that we have existing utility facilities located within the subject right-of-way. The approximate locations of these facilities are indicated on the enclosed prints. However, KUB does not release and hereby retains all easements and rights for existing utility facilities, whether or not shown on these prints. Should this right-of-way be closed, KUB will require the following permanent easements for its utility facilities.
Electric - 10 feet on each side of the centerline of the overhead lines, 20 feet total width
Gas - 7.5 feet on each side of the centerline of the gas line, 15 feet total width
Sewer - 7.5 feet on each side of the centerline of the sewer line, 15 feet total width
Water - 7.5 feet on each side of the centerline of the water line, 15 feet total width
- AT&T: AT&T would request that they retain a 10ft easement in place along the existing pole line on the west side
of Heins St. between Tulip Ave. and Blackstone Ave.
- TDOT: The roadway closure requested for review has no impact to state owned ROW. Therefore, TDOT takes no exception to the request.
Property Information
− +Location
Planning Sector
0 Heins St.
Council District 6
Planning Sector
Central City
What's next?
− +- Appeal to Because of its location in the CITY, appeals will be heard by Knoxville City Council
H.G. Heins Company Inc.
Case History
- October 1, 2024
Date Filed
- November 14, 2024
by the Planning Commission