Street Name Change



Approve the name change from Patton Street to Willow Avenue as requested by the City of Knoxville.


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

From Willow Avenue
To E Summit Hill Drive
Proposed Street Name
Willow Ave.

Reason for Change

A portion of Willow Avenue was closed between Patton and Florida Streets, which caused the eastern and western portions of this right-of-way to be disconnected. Patton Street between Willow Avenue and E Summit Hill Drive was selected for the proposed renaming as no addresses would be affected by a street name change. The name "Willow Avenue" was selected as this is a natural extension of the existing right-of-way

Property Information

0 Patton St.

Council District 6

Planning Sector
Central City

Growth Plan
N/A (Within City Limits)

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the name change from Patton Street to Willow Avenue as requested by the City of Knoxville.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the name change from Patton Street to Willow Avenue as requested by the City of Knoxville.
1. The City of Knoxville has requested to change the street name of Patton Street to Willow Avenue. As previously stated by the applicant, a portion of Willow Avenue was closed between Patton and Florida Streets (11-C-21-C), which caused the eastern and western portions of this right-of-way to be disconnected. The western portion of Willow Avenue terminates at Patton Street, which is being reconfigured with a horizontal curve connecting it to Willow Avenue. The curve makes Patton Street a natural extension of the western portion of Willow Avenue, thus prompting the renaming to Willow Avenue.
2. The proposed street name change from Patton Street to Willow Avenue will not impact any addresses or occupiable buildings.
3. The name change meets the City of Knoxville's Code of Ordinances Street Name and Addressing requirements, Chapter 23, Article IV, Section 23-108.

What's next?

This Street Name Change case in the CITY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - November 29, 2024 has passed.

Rebekah Jane Justice City of Knoxville

Case History