Property Information
Location800 S Central St
East side of S. Central St. at terminus of Cumberland Ave.
Council District 6
Census Tract 1
Size0.30 acres
Planning SectorCentral City
Land Use Classification ROW ROW
Currently on the Property
Office and Vacant Buildings
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
ADOPT RESOLUTION # 11-B-18-SP, amending the Central City Sector Plan to Mixed Use Regional Center (MU-RC) and recommend that City Council also adopt the sector plan amendment. (See attached resolution, Exhibit A.)
Staff Recommendation
ADOPT RESOLUTION # 11-B-18-SP, amending the Central City Sector Plan to Mixed Use Regional Center (MU-RC) and recommend that City Council also adopt the sector plan amendment. (See attached resolution, Exhibit A.)
The Central City Sector Plan designates two parcels in downtown on the east side of S. Central Avenue as ROW (Right-of-Way) land use designation. This was a mapping mistake and should be designated MU-RC (Regional Mixed Use Center), like the rest of downtown parcels. Staff recommends that the One-Year Plan be updated in the same manner during the 2019 update.