Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 11-B-21-IH, subject to the following conditions:
1) Incorporate a walkway from the front porch to the sidewalk or street;
2) Parking to meet Infill Housing guidelines and City Engineering standards, and be located at the rear of the property off the alley;
3) Confirm foundation height's consistency with nearby historic houses;
4) Use consistent window designs on all elevations and omit non-operable shutters;
5) Use vinyl siding with an overlap instead of Dutch lap or flush panel siding;
6) Incorporate one native or naturalized shade tree in front and rear yards.

442 Hiawassee Ave. 37917

Gary Gary Koontz

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The house is proposed to be set 34.7' from the front property line, with the full-length front porch at 26.7' from the front property line. The average front setback of the block is 26.2'. Along with the adjacent new house at 438 Hiawassee Ave, the new house will maintain consistent front yard space with the block. The final site plan should incorporate a walkway from the front porch to the street.

2. The block to receive new construction is characterized by Craftsman bungalows and Queen Anne cottages. The proposed house is proportionate to the context and the dimensions of the lot. The proposed side setbacks are consistent with the block. The house is sufficiently differentiated from the adjacent new construction.

3. To meet Infill Housing guidelines and City Engineering standards, the proposed parking should extend off the alley and be located to the rear of the property instead of in the front yard. City Engineering has also noted the necessity of improving the drainage swale at the street.

4. Overall, the one-story, three-bay façade is compatible with the historic houses on the block. The foundation height should be confirmed to be comparable in heights with historic houses on the block.

5. The proposed front-gable roof porch, including the Craftsman-style detailing, meets the design guidelines for size and placement. The porch serves to differentiate the two new houses.

6. The proposed window and doors are compatible with historic elements on the block. There is sufficient transparency on side elevations. The applicant should select consistent window patterns on all elevations (either all 1/1s or 3/1s) and omit non-operable shutters.

7. The proposed 7/12 pitch roof meets the design guidelines, and the cornice returns and front-gable roof porch contribute additional complexity.

8. Overall materials are appropriate within the design guidelines. The vinyl siding should be lap siding with an overlap instead of Dutch lap or flush panel siding.

9. The final site plan should incorporate one native or naturalized shade tree in the front and rear yards.

Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting Hiawassee Avenue. Front-gable roof residence measures 30' wide by 44' long, with an 8' deep porch extending the length of the façade. The house is proposed to be set 34.7' from the front property line, with the porch at 26.7' from the front property line.

The 7/12 pitch, front-gable roof is clad in architectural shingles, the house is clad in horizontal vinyl siding, and the house rests on a stucco-clad foundation. The gable field is clad in vinyl shake siding. The porch is supported by paired round columns on brick bases. The three-bay façade features paired double-hung windows flanking a half-light door. There are three windows on the left side elevation and two on the right. A 12' by 10' wood deck is accessed by a secondary entry on the rear elevation.

Case History