The Arts & Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville- Emporium Performing Arts
Applicant Request
Exterior rehabilitation to area below the Jackson Avenue ramp to create a new exterior "prefunction space" including a box office and new entry to the basement of 100 S. Gay Street. Scope of work includes a new full-light entry door with a transom, new transom windows installed in existing enclosed openings, and a new textured masonry infill wall on the leftmost bay. New screening via a new textured masonry knee wall with a decorative wood screen wall structure above; some of the panels are operable and some are fixed. New exterior lighting and new signage to be installed on the fixed screen section above the entry.
Staff Comments
While the associated building is 100 S. Gay Street (the Emporium Building), the majority of work will be concentrated in the right-of-way below the Jackson Avenue ramp. Overall, the project meets the design guidelines as it creates activates an underutilized space to enhance pedestrian interest with new windows and an entrance, and a creative screening solution. The proposed screening is complimentary but differentiated from the existing concrete and masonry ramp, and the masonry building. The sign placement is appropriate within the design guidelines, as a wall sign on a sign board; revisions to the lettering could be approved administratively.