Planned Development


No Action

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information


North side of Delrose Dr, south side of Brooks Ave, west side of Riverside Rd

Council District 6

31.34 acres

Planning Sector
East City

Land Use Classification LDR (Low Density Residential), MDR (Medium Density Residential), HP (Hillside Ridgetop Protection) LDR (Low Density Residential), MDR (Medium Density Residential), HP (Hillside Ridgetop Protection)

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land, Rural Residential

Growth Plan
N/A (Within City Limits)

Fire Department / District
Knoxville Fire Department

Case Notes


Staff Recommendation
This plan is being submitted under the Optional Concept Plan section of the Planned Development procedures. The Commission will not vote on this project but should provide feedback and comments for the applicant to use in further developing their plan.

A Preliminary Plan application has been submitted for this development to be heard at the December 12, 2024 Planning Commission meeting (case # 12-A-24-PD).
Excerpt from Article 16.7.E.2 of the zoning ordinance (Optional Concept Plan):

Before submitting a formal application for a planned development, the applicant may present a concept plan before the Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission, at his/her option, for the purpose of obtaining information and guidance prior to formal application.

The Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission will review the concept plan and provide such information and guidance it deems appropriate. Any opinions or advice provided by the Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission is in no way binding with respect to any official action the Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission or City Council may take on the subsequent formal application. The review of the concept plan is not a public hearing. No decision will be made on the application.

The concept plan will be presented at a public meeting. Mailed and posted notice in accordance with Section 15.2 is required for the public meeting at which the concept plan is to be presented.
The subject property comprises two parcels resulting in approximately 32 acres and is located in East Knoxville abutting the Williams Creek Golf Course. The Knoxville Botanical Gardens and Arboretum are nearby to the north, and Holston Hills neighborhood is nearby to the east. There is a 50-ft cleared area housing overhead power lines directly abutting the site on the western property line.

The project proposes an access point on its northern, eastern, and southern frontages. It is served by a minor arterial street and a major collector street on its northern and southern frontages, the latter of which was resurfaced in 2023. On the Delrose side of the site to the south, the property skips around a single family dwelling on a 1.34-acre lot. The main entrance is just to the east of that lot.

1. Provision of public recreational facilities, including a community playground, community garden, and a community pool.
2. Interconnected sidewalks and a walking path connecting Delrose Drive, Brooks Avenue, Riverside Road and a future greenway.
3. Creation of greenspaces and an extended connection to future East Knoxville greenways.
4. Improvement of existing sidewalks and infrastructure.
5. Provision of more green space than would be required and better preservation of natural grade.
6. Preservation of trees and rock outcroppings on the property.
7. Preservation of a 35-ft natural buffer between the adjacent properties and the proposed new development and a buffer/outdoor space that exceeds the required buffer yard space and is accessible to adjacent neighbors.
8. Commitment to clean up and preserve/maintain the Historic Williams-Masterson Cemetery.
9. Inclusion of a park and dog park for the community.
10. Provision of bike parking and storage for residents and community members.
11. Provision of vehicular parking for community use of public spaces.
12. Provision of a bike repair station and electric vehicle charging stations throughout the development.
13. Provision of multiple connection points to arterial and collector streets.
14. Provision of more accessible units (i.e., meeting ADA standards) than legally required.
15. Use of "Middle Housing Types" on the perimeter of the development to create a transition buffer between the development and the surrounding neighborhood.
16. Requirement for townhouse units to be Owner-occupied residences.

Exceptions to the underlying zoning's dimensional and use standards may be recommended by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council as part of the Planned Development approval process. The applicant is requesting the following exceptions from the City of Knoxville Zoning Code. Please refer to the Project Summary provided by the applicant for information on the rationale and justification for each of the exceptions listed.

Exceptions from Article 4.3, Dimensional Standards, Table 4-2: Residential Districts Dimensional Standards, pertaining to the RN-4 District:
1. Reduce the minimum lot area for townhouses from 3,000 sf to 2,000 sf, the same as the RN-5 requirement.
2. Eliminate the maximum lot area requirement of 40,000 sf.
3. Eliminate the maximum building height restriction of 35 ft for multifamily dwellings that are adjacent to single-family dwellings (making the 45 ft height maxiumum for multifamily buildings uniform for the site).
4. Allow the minimum interior side setback for multifamily uses to be 12 ft plus 1 ft of additional setback for each 2 feet of building height over 35 ft, the same as the RN-5 requirement.

Exceptions from Article 9.2, Use Matrix, Table 9-1: Use Matrix:
5. Allow townhouses and multifamily developments to be permitted uses (currently permitted as special uses when over a certain number of dwelling units).

Exceptions from Article 12.8, Buffer Yards, Table 12-2: Buffer Yard Requirements:
6. Eliminate the requirement for Class A Buffer for parking lot of a multi-family dwelling abutting a RN-3, RN-2, RN-1 or EN residential district for the western property boundary adjacent to the RN-1 district (Mt. Zion Baptist Church) and the eastern access to Riverside Road that is adjacent to several RN-1 districts (single family houses). The Class A Buffer would otherwise be installed as required by the zoning ordinance.

What's next?

  • Appeal to Because of its location in the CITY, appeals will be heard by Knoxville City Council
The Process

Heyoh Design & Development

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