Plan Amendment

Southwest County Sector Plan Amendment



ADOPT RESOLUTION # 11-C-18-SP, amending the Southwest County Sector Plan to MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District) deignation and recommend that County Commission also adopt the sector plan amendment (See attached resolution, Exhibit A).

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

1105 Lake Heritage Way

Southeast side Westland Dr., northeast of Heritage Lake Way

Commission District 5
Census Tract 57.08

19.13 acres

Planning Sector
Southwest County

Land Use Classification LDR (Low Density Residential) LDR (Low Density Residential)

Currently on the Property

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
ADOPT RESOLUTION # 11-C-18-SP, amending the Southwest County Sector Plan to MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District) deignation and recommend that County Commission also adopt the sector plan amendment (See attached resolution, Exhibit A).
Staff Recommendation
ADOPT RESOLUTION # 11-C-18-SP, amending the Southwest County Sector Plan to MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District) deignation and recommend that County Commission also adopt the sector plan amendment (See attached resolution, Exhibit A).
On August 9, 2018, MPC recommended denial of the Rezoning request from PR (Planned Residential) of 5 du/ac to PR of 14 du/ac based on the denial of the Sector Plan Amendment from LDR to HDR. On 9/24/18, Knox County Commission postponed the rezoning request and sent the sector plan request back to MPC for reconsideration, with Knox County Commission now as the applicant.

Staff considered two land use designations for this site, HDR (High Density Residential) designation and MDR (Medium Density Residential), but both presented their own issues. The HDR allows too high of a density, permitting densities of greater than 24 du/ac and is reserved for urban areas within the City that are flat, have good transit service and a network of interconnecting sidewalks. Use of HDR in the County would be a shift in public policy and could encourage additional requests in areas that do not have adequate infrastructure or services. The MDR designation permits densities of up to 12 du/ac when there are no sidewalks or transit available, but the MDR designation would not permit the density requested by the applicant.

After meeting with the applicant and neighborhood representative, staff reconsidered the sector plan designation to reflect the existing development and to designate the area MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District) and setting a maximum residential density of 14 du/ac, reflecting the existing density of Heritage Lake Apartments. The MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District) also includes site specific recommendations for a mix of land uses, transportation improvement and community resources (See attachment B).

What's next?

This Plan Amendment case in the CITY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - December 8, 2018 has passed.

Knox County Commission / Scott Davis

Case History