Details of Action
1. Meeting all applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance.
2. Meeting all applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Department of Engineering.
3. Installing all landscaping, as shown on the development plan, within six months of issuance of building permits for the park equipment.
4. Meeting all requirements of the City of Knoxville Arborist.
5. Meeting all requirements of the Knox County Health Department.
With the conditions noted above, this request meets all requirements for approval in the R-1 zone, as well as other criteria for use on review approval.
Property Information
Location1116 Drive D
Southeast side of Drive D, northeast of Plum St.
Council District 1
Size0.51 acre
Planning SectorSouth City
Land Use Classification Low Density Residential Low Density Residential
Currently on the Property
Vacant land
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
APPROVE the development plan for a park in the R-1 zone, subject to 5 conditions:
Details of Action
1. Meeting all applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance.
2. Meeting all applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Department of Engineering.
3. Installing all landscaping, as shown on the development plan, within six months of issuance of building permits for the park equipment.
4. Meeting all requirements of the City of Knoxville Arborist.
5. Meeting all requirements of the Knox County Health Department.
With the conditions noted above, this request meets all requirements for approval in the R-1 zone, as well as other criteria for use on review approval.
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE the development plan for a park in the R-1 zone, subject to 5 conditions:
1. Meeting all applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance.
2. Meeting all applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Department of Engineering.
3. Installing all landscaping, as shown on the development plan, within six months of issuance of building permits for the park equipment.
4. Meeting all requirements of the City of Knoxville Arborist.
5. Meeting all requirements of the Knox County Health Department.
With the conditions noted above, this request meets all requirements for approval in the R-1 zone, as well as other criteria for use on review approval.