Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the project as proposed, with the following conditions:

1) modify front setback to place main house between 36' and 38' from the front property line;
2) install a walkway from the street to the front door;
3) omit decorative shutters on façade and vertical vinyl siding on porch gable;
4) substitute brick veneer for stone veneer on porch piers to better fit historic designs;
5) parking pad to be screened with landscaping or fencing and meet City Engineering standards.

259 Cedar Ave. 37917

Magdaleno Magdaleno Felipe

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The block to receive the proposed new residence is populated mainly by Minimal Traditionals and contemporary infill construction. Houses on the east end of this block are set back significantly from the street. The front setback is proposed at 36.4' from the porch to the property line, and 44.4' from the primary house to the property line. While the minimum front setback for this block is 20', the two adjacent properties are set significantly back from the street (251 Cedar Ave at approximately 38' and 263 Cedar Ave at approximately 35.6'). Moving the house up slightly so the main house (instead of the porch) is in line with the adjacent houses will create consistent front yard spaces.

2. Placement of the house, including side and rear setbacks, is appropriate. The site design should incorporate a walkway from the front door to the street, running perpendicular to the street.

3. In general, the house is proportional to the dimensions of the lot and the surrounding neighborhood context. A one-story residence with a projecting front-gable roof porch is comparable in scale and width to the other houses on the street. Specific foundation height measurements should be provided to confirm the foundation is comparable in height to original houses in the neighborhood.

4. The proposal includes parking off the alley, with the parking pad located behind the proposed house. Guidelines recommend landscaping or fencing to screen alley-oriented parking pads. Parking should meet City Engineering standards. City Engineering has noted that while the site plan shows a new driveway from the alley, KGIS indicates an existing driveway from Cedar Avenue, and the site plan must be updated to show the existing driveway or add a note to the plans saying it will be removed.

5. The 8' deep porch is appropriate under the design guidelines. Stone veneer is not a common historic material in Knoxville on porch detailing; brick piers are more appropriate under the Craftsman style. Windows and doors meet design guidelines. One additional window on the right side elevation would contribute additional transparency to the ratio of solid to voids.

6. The roof is sufficiently pitched in comparison to other housing on the block. Clapboard-like materials such as vinyl lap siding are appropriate within the guidelines; the Infill Housing Review Committee has previously recommended that vinyl siding use a lap siding with overlap instead of Dutch lap or horizontal panels.

7. One native or naturalized shade tree should be planted in the front and rear yards to meet design guidelines.

Staff Comments
Construction of new primary residence. House will measure 30' wide by 44' long, with an 8' deep front-gable roof porch on the left side of the façade. Porch is proposed at 36.4' from the property line, left elevation is 7.24' from the left side property line, right elevation is 12.72' from the right side property line.

The façade features a front-gable roof porch, with a 7/12 pitch, supported by tapered columns on 24" x 24" bases clad in stone veneer. The façade gable field features vertical vinyl siding.

The roof will be clad in asphalt shingles, with an exterior of vinyl horizontal siding and a foundation clad in stucco. Façade (south) features two paired three-over-one vinyl windows flanking a central Craftsman-style door. On the left (west) elevation are three double-hung, one-over-one windows. The rear elevation features a centrally-lcoated secondary entry leading to a 12' by 10' wood deck with a 36" tall wood railing and steps which extend to the left elevation. The right elevation features two one-over-one, double-hung windows.

Access is provided off the alley via a 10' wide concrete driveway with a 20' by 20' parking pad to the rear of the house. A concrete sidewalk will extend along the right side of the house to access the porch's right elevation.

Magdaleno Magdaleno Felipe

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History