Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

The Board should review the revision compared to the initial submission to determine if the submitted revisions more successfully align the proposed house with the design guidelines; and identify if any additional detail elements which could contribute complexity to the house's simple form.

1506 Ohio Ave. 37914

James James Gallman

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The house is proposed for the center/center right of a 200' wide lot. The lot is uniquely large for the context, measuring approximately 200' wide and 115' deep. The house is proposed to be set 20' from the front property line, 57' from the left side property line, and 30' from the right side property line. The block lacks sufficient context for an average front setback. A recently-approved house at 1520 Ohio Avenue was approved to be set 20' from the front property line. The side setbacks will be wider than the typical neighborhood pattern and create an inconsistent rhythm of houses if the adjacent lots are developed. The front setback will be consistent with the other house on the block. The site plan includes a concrete walkway to the street.

2. While the block does not retain sufficient historic context, the new house is disproportionate in form (significantly wider than) the historic houses in the surrounding neighborhood. The block does not retain many historic structures from which to draw context.

3. The parking has been revised from the initial submission to be accessed from the alley. Engineering has also noted the presence of a 30' buffer zone from the top of the bank, which should be noted on the site plan, along with the distance from the buffer zone to the proposed house.

4. The proposed house is not similar in scale or massing to the surrounding context; the proposed house is a Ranch-style house which is significantly wider than original houses in the neighborhood. The house does not include extensions or bays. The previous application referenced a Minimal Traditional/Transitional Ranch house at 1521 Ohio Avenue for context. In the opinion of staff, the referenced house is not representative of the broader historic house forms or styles found in Lonsdale. Some Ranch-style houses have been constructed as contemporary Infill construction, namely by Habitat for Humanity, including on the 3300 block of Thomas Street (3312 Thomas St, 12-B-20-IH). These Ranch houses incorporate additional complexity via steeper-pitched roofs, proportionate front porches, additional front porch and material details. 3312 Thomas Street is 44' by 30' instead of the proposed 60' by 26'-4" required for the manufactured house.

The house will be placed on a 16" foundation, which is generally compatible in height with historic houses in the neighborhood.

5. The house has been revised to incorporate an 8' deep by 10' wide front porch, with a 5/12 pitch front-gable roof supported by 6 by 6 columns.

6. The proposal does include sufficient transparency on the front, side, and rear elevations. The door shown in elevation drawings is not compatible with the historic context.

7. The house has been revised to incorporate a 5/12 pitch roof. The minimum pitch approved by the board has generally been 6/12. The house incorporates no additional roofline complexity other than the added front porch roof.

8. The proposed vinyl siding, stuccoed foundation, and asphalt shingle roof does meet the design guidelines; however, the vinyl Dutch lap siding is discouraged in Infill Housing reviews. Lap siding with an overlap to resemble wood clapboard siding would be more appropriate.

9. The site plan has been revised to incorporate one tree in the front yard.

10. The previous staff recommendation was denial without prejudice; or postponement to submit an application which more clearly meets guidelines. The items detailed in the previous staff recommendation include 1) a steeper-pitched roof (6/12 or higher) with 12" or more eave overhangs; 2) the addition of a porch, with roof, detailing, and placement to meet design guidelines; 3) the revision of parking placement to meet Infill Housing guidelines and City Engineering standards; 4) the use of lap siding instead of Dutch lap siding; 5) the use of appropriately sized window trim and a revised front door to meet guidelines.

Suggested condition 1 was attempted with a 5/12 pitch roof; suggested condition 2 was addressed via a 10' wide by 8' deep front-gable roof porch; suggested condition 3 was addressed completely; suggested conditions 4 and 5 were not addressed.

In the opinion of staff, the primary issue with the proposed new construction relates to above Findings #2 and #4 -- the long, narrow form required for a manufactured house is not compatible with the scale and massing of historic houses in Lonsdale. If the proposed house is approved, approval would be based on the block's lack of existing historic context. Additional tactics to contribute detail could include: additional material detailing on gable fields (side and porch); detail on the front porch columns (see 3312 Thomas Street); the use of lap siding with an overlap over Dutch lap siding; and a more appropriate front door. However, the Board should discuss if minor material changes are sufficient to add complexity to the house's massing.

Staff Comments
Revised submission from 11/17/21 meeting: New primary residence fronting Ohio Ave. Modular manufactured house measuring 60' wide by 25'-4" deep, with an 8' deep by 10' wide, front-gable roof porch centered on the façade. The house is proposed to be set 20' from the front property line, 30' from the right side property line, and 57' from the left side property line. Parking is accessed from the alley and located on the rear of the property, as an 18' by 18' concrete parking pad.

The 5/12 pitch, side-gable roof is clad in asphalt shingles, the house is clad in vinyl Dutch lap siding, and the house rests in a 16" tall stuccoed foundation. There are four bays of windows and a centrally located door on the façade. A secondary entry is located on the rear elevation.

Case History