Property Information
East side of Pickens Gap Rd, south of Tarklin Valley Rd
Commission District 9
Size83.77 acres
Place Type DesignationRL (Rural Living), RC (Rural Conservation), HP (Hillside Ridgetop Protection)
Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land
Growth PlanRural Area
Fire Department / DistrictSeymour Volunteer Fire Department
- Utilities
SewerKnox-Chapman Utility District
WaterKnox-Chapman Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve the development plan for up to 161 detached residential lots and 8 "estate" lots (169 total lots), as shown on the development plan, subject to 2 conditions.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the development plan for up to 161 detached residential lots and 8 "estate" lots (169 total lots), as shown on the development plan, subject to 2 conditions.
1) Meeting all other applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance and the zoning conditions (4-V-24-RZ).
2) The land disturbance for Lot-11 through Lot-17 estate lots shall not exceed the acreage provided on sheet C-201.
With the conditions noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval in the PR zone and the criteria for approval of a development plan.
In the exercise of its administrative judgment, the Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed plan is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance and adopted plans.
PR(k) (Planned Residential) < 2 du/ac:
A. The PR zone allows detached houses as a permitted use. The administrative procedures for the PR zone require the Planning Commission to approve the development plan before permits can be issued (Article 5, Section 5.13.15).
B. The proposed density is 1.99 du/ac.
C. There are two zoning conditions: 1) There can be no grading within the 35' non-disturbance vegetation zone along the north property line, and 2) where there is no existing vegetation (trees) in the 35' non-disturbance vegetation zone, provide a type B landscape screen is required. Staff recommends that high-visibility fencing be installed and maintained at the edge of the non-disturbance zone before grading activities begin to help ensure this area remains undisturbed. Planning staff must review and approve a landscape plan for the non-disturbance area. The existing vegetation along the fence line will be protected by the non-disturbance zone, and new trees will be planted where existing vegetation does not exist or meets the intent of the Type 'B' landscape screening guidelines.
D. The site has several environmental constraints, including one confirmed stream and one potential stream, and two ridge features with steep slopes. The zone is intended to provide optional methods of land development which encourage more imaginative solutions to environmental design problems.
A. The 84.56-acre site has 51.7 acres of HP (Hillside Protection) area. The slope analysis recommends disturbing no more than 16 acres (31 percent) of the HP area. The grading required for the subdivision will disturb 6.18 acres. The applicant proposes disturbance limitations for the estate lots on plan sheet C-201, totaling 15 acres. Combined, the proposed disturbance in the HP area is approximately 21 acres. While this exceeds the recommended disturbance by 5 acres, most of the disturbed area is at the toe of the ridges where the slopes are less steep. This is consistent with Policy 7, which is to conserve and connect natural features and habitat.
B. Widening the Pickens Gap Road pavement width is consistent with Policy 9, to coordinate infrastructure improvements with development.
A. The property is classified as the RL (Rural Living) and RC (Rural Conservation) place types with HP (Hillside Protection) on the Future Land Use Map. RL areas are primarily made up of single family residential within a rural setting. These areas may include agriculture, open space, and some limited commercial that support agriculture and civic uses. RC areas are primarily made up of single family residential with lots smaller than typical rural lots in a conservation pattern that preserves 50 percent or more open space. These areas may also include attached residential in a conservation pattern. The portion of the site with the RC place type is limited to approximately 11.7 acres in the southeast corner of the site on the steep upper slopes of the ridge.
B. Single family residential on a wide range of lot sizes is a primary use in the RL place type. Primary uses are intended to be the predominant focus of the place. - The proposed single family development with varying lot sizes and larger estate lots is consistent with the RL place type.
C. The estate lots are 5 acres or more with a proposed disturbance limitation of approximately 30 percent of the site area (1.75 acres). This will preserve more than 50 percent of the site, consistent with the RC place type.
D. The proposal conforms to the form attributes of the RL and RC place types, which recommend building heights of 1-2 stories. - The maximum height is 35 ft for houses in the PR zone.
E. The PR (Planned Residential) zone can be considered as a partially related zone to the RL and RC place type per the Place Type and Zoning Correspondence Matrix (Appendix H of the Comprehensive Plan), with the RL limited to 2 du/ac and the RC limited to 5 du/ac. - This proposal is consistent with the standards, conditions, and density of the PR(k) < 2 du/ac zoning district and other relevant standards of the zoning ordinance and is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the RL and RC place types and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as outlined above.
A. The property is located within the Rural Area on the Growth Plan Map. The Knox County Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map shall determine land uses permitted in the Rural Area. The rural designation shall not impede the right of a property owner to use or develop the property for a purpose permitted by that property's zoning. - The proposed development is consistent with the PR zoning district.
B. Residential development in the rural area shall be limited to all of the following conditions: (a) no more than 2 dwelling units per acre; and (b) sanitary sewer, or a sewage system approved and maintained by a public utility company and public water must be available; and (c) must be on a collector road with a minimum width of 18-ft pavement.-The proposed density is 1.99 du/ac, will be serviced by sanitary sewer, and will be located on a collector road with a minimum pavement width of 18 ft once Pickens Gap Road is widened as required.