Design Review Board
Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 11-H-24-IH, subject to the following conditions: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards; 2) revision to front setback to better align with blockface; 3) porch supports to be revised in size and/or design to better align with neighborhood context; 4) revision to side elevation window placement and sizing, with the addition of one window on the right side, second story; 5) final site plan to include one tree in both front and rear yards.
Location 225 E. Oldham Ave. 37917
OwnerTae Tae Cho - New Season Properties, LLC New Season Propert
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure1. The applicant intends to use Section 4.6 of the zoning code, the Middle Housing standards, which are "intended to promote the development of neighborhood-scale housing forms which are compatible with existing housing in the surrounding area," and "may allow more flexible development of land than is possible under the base district zoning regulations," subject to additional dimensional, design, and parking standards. Middle Housing review occurs separately through Planning staff; the DRB review focuses on how the project meets the Infill Housing design guidelines. However, some elements of Middle Housing review may trigger site plan and building elevation revisions, which would require additional review by the DRB.
2. The building is proposed to be set 25' from the front property line, with the front porches at 17' from the front property line. The average of the blockface is 33.4', with the adjacent houses at 31' and 29'. The building should be moved towards the rear property line to better align with the adjacent houses and maintain a consistent streetscape.
3. The guidelines for multi-unit housing recommend that "new multi-family buildings be designed in scale and context with the early architectural features of the neighborhood." The block to receive new construction features one-story Craftsman houses and modified Queen Anne cottages. The duplex is proportional to the dimensions of the lot and features consistent side setbacks.
3. The current site plan does not include parking, as off-street parking is not required for Middle Housing projects within a quarter-mile of a transit route. If incorporated, the parking should be accessed from the alley and located to the rear of the building. The site plan should meet City Engineering standards.
4. The 32'-6" wide duplex is compatible in façade width with original houses on the street and is below the maximum building width requirements in the Middle Housing standards. Guidelines also recommend that multi-unit housing be similar in height to original houses on the street; the two-story structure is taller than one-story houses in the context. The height's visual impact is somewhat reduced on the façade by the lower front-gable roof massings. The 8" tall foundation will assist in reducing the building height compared to the adjacent houses, which feature taller foundations. The side elevations feature little architectural variation; to avoid large swaths of siding with minimal transparency, additional siding variation may benefit the overall design.
5. The proposed 8' deep front porches meet the design guidelines for size and placement. Infill Housing reviews typically recommend at least 6 by 6 porch supports to be more compatible with the neighborhood, instead of the proposed 4 by 4s.
6. The building's main massing features a 6/12 roof pitch, which is the minimum typically approved in the Infill Housing overlay.
7. Guidelines recommend window and door styles be similar to historic houses on the block, with similar placement and ratio of solid to void. The side elevations feature a wide variety of window sizes and placement, and the right side elevation does not have sufficient transparency. The side elevation window sizes should be revised to be more consistent with the historic context and an additional window should be added to the right side elevation's second story.
8. The proposed horizontal lap vinyl siding should feature a horizontal overlap similar to wood siding instead of Dutch lap or flush panels, and the concrete block foundation should be clad in stucco or parge-coated. A variation in siding materials may assist in breaking up the large massing on the side elevations.
9. The final site plan should feature a native or naturalized shade tree in both the front and rear yards.
Staff Comments
New primary structure (duplex) fronting E. Oldham Ave. Two-story building measures 32'-6" wide by 50' deep, featuring a side-gable roof with lower front-gable roof massings projecting towards the façade, two 8' deep shed-roof porches, and a one-story shed-roof massing projecting towards the rear. The building features an asphalt shingle-clad roof, an exterior of horizontal vinyl lap siding, and a concrete block foundation. The duplex will be set 25' from the front property line.
The façade features two units, each with a paired double-hung window and an entry below the shed-roof porch and a projecting bay window on the second story. The right side elevation features four windows on the first story and one small transom window on the second story. The left side elevation features four windows on the first story and two on the second story.