Development Plan

Planning Commission


This decision has been appealed


Approve the revisions to the Midway Business Park Development Plan - Design Guidelines.


Property Info

Case Notes

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Applicant Request

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Property Information

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Corner of Midway Park Lane and Thorngrove Pike

Commission District 8

66.46 acres

Place Type Designation
RC (Rural Conservation), BP (Business Park)

Currently on the Property
Undeveloped land planned for a business park

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Fire Department / District
Rural Metro Fire

Case Notes

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Disposition Summary
Approve the revisions to the Midway Business Park Development Plan - Design Guidelines.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the revisions to the Midway Business Park Development Plan - Design Guidelines.
The Design Guidelines and Restrictive Covenants for Midway Business Park were originally designed for the sale of individual sites to different tenants, which is how business parks have historically been developed for economic development in Knox County. With the recent announcement of Greenheck Group's intent to occupy the entirety of the Midway Business Park to build a manufacturing and corporate campus, the Industrial Development Board (IDB) requested modifications to the Guidelines to allow for the development of a campus-style development for a single end user. These revisions include minor amendments to the Design Guidelines for landscaping, screening, lighting, pedestrian facilities, signage, and the Preserved Natural Area. The IDB approved the changes subject to Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission approval at their October 15, 2024 board meeting.

The Design Guideline amendments are as follows:
1. All: Replace "Midway Design Guidelines" with "Greenheck Group-Tennessee Campus Design Guidelines".
2. Pg 13, Outdoor screening: Replace "fully screened on all sides by an opaque, ornamental, or vegetative screen" to "screened from the adjacent exterior properties and right of ways to the extent practical".
3. All: Replace all references of the "The Development Corporation" with "the Industrial Development Board of the County of Knox" and "TDC" to "IDB".
4. Pg 14, At the start of section B: Add "The below guidelines shall be used as a roadmap for approval of potential development within the limits of the Greenheck Knoxville Campus. The IDB has the right to exempt the campus developer from any portion or all of the below process at their discretion, with formal approval by the IDB."
5. Pg 23, after bullet 3, add new bullet 4: Where topographic constraints limit the effectiveness or practicality of screening exterior or rooftop elements, including mechanical units and loading docks, the campus developer shall make reasonable efforts to coordinate landscaping screening with adjacent property owners as an alternate to rooftop screening of mechanical equipment.
6. Pg 26, Section C: Replace text with the following: The Preserved Natural Areas (PNA) are areas of significant ecological value and/or desirable to remain preserved and/or protected to the extent practical. These areas include steep slopes, riparian zones, rock outcrops, depression and other topographic characteristics. The project design will work to identify these areas within the limits of the campus for use as platted buffer areas, view shed corridors and natural areas as part of the campus character and amenities. Site grading will be developed to minimize impacts to these identified areas to the extent possible. (replace bullets: --­ Grading will be designed to reduce impacts to the natural areas Natural areas identified and where grading impacts are unavoidable due to site topographic and boundary constraints will be revegetated with natural species. The campus developer will work with adjacent property owners on increased buffer zone vegetation where encroachments occur. Natural areas may be included in the lot coverage and impervious ratio calculations.)
7. Pg 25, 28-Building height: Remove maximum building height requirements and replace with "Building height shall be in accordance with height limitations for the applicable zone".
8. Pg 29, add new bullet: Treatments for breaking up building mass and facade may include landscaping elements, in addition to building elements.
9. Pg 31, Roof: Add bullet 4 (see 5. Above)
10. Pg 32: Revise the end of the intent statement to, "shall be located/screened so they are safe and not visible from adjacent properties/rights of way".
11. Pg 32, Accessory structures: Remove bullet 6 in entirety.
12. Pg 33, Pedestrian facilities, add bullet: Public pedestrian facilities will be located along public rights of way and located in a manner to provide the public and the developer with safe, secure and accessible pedestrian facilities. Pedestrian facilities shall be constructed as part of the overall development concept and should not be finalized until safety, security and accessibility can be adequately addressed by the developer and the IDB. Approximately 8000 linear feet of public pedestrian facilities are envisioned. Actual numbers will be determined by topographic, functionality and accessibility during design.
13. Pg 34, Vehicle Circulation, Bullet 1: Add "Permanent..." to the start of the bullet. Add the following sentence after the bullet: "Driveways, roads, walks and parking shall be paved with concrete, asphalt or pavers upon completion of construction. Temporary facilities may utilize crushed stone base, maintained and graded to eliminate tracking of mud or soil on adjacent paved areas."
14. Pg 35, add to the start of the last bullet: "For parking located at the front of building..."
15. Pg 35, add to the end of the last bullet: Parking at the sides or rear of a building will be design to maximize flow and flexibility of both passenger vehicles and logistics equipment."
16. Pg 36, add to start of bullet: "For parking located at the front of buildings..."
17. Pg 46, Signage, add bullet: Signage shall follow as noted, however, wayfinding, directional and informational signage functionality shall not be limited by the restrictions outlined.
18. Pg 48, Lighting, Last bullet: Replace with "For Wall Pack units, Full cutoff fixtures shall be utilized".
19. All: Replace all references to the Knoxville Chamber and Chamber Board with "The Industrial Development Board of the County of Knox".
20. All: Replace all references to Knoxville Chamber staff with "operational staff".

In the exercise of its administrative judgment, the Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed plan is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance and adopted plans.

The proposed revisions to the Design Guidelines are not in conflict with the requirements of the EC zone.

The proposed revisions align with Comprehensive Plan's Implementation Policy 17 to support opportunities for innovation and growth of our local economy.

The property is classified as (BP) Business Park place type. Business Parks are areas appropriate for employment intensive uses that may include corporate offices, light industrial, advanced manufacturing, research and development, support services, or incubator facilities for start-ups.

The purposes of the Planned Growth Area designation include encouraging a reasonably compact pattern of development, promoting the expansion of the Knox County economy, and coordinating the actions of the public and private sectors, particularly with regard to the provision of adequate roads, utilities, schools, drainage and other public facilities and services. The proposed revisions to the Design Guidelines meet the relevant standards of the Growth Policy Plan.

What's next?

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Planning Commission decisions on Development Plans (DP) are final unless appealed.

Appeals can be filed with the Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the Planning Commission's decision (Knox County, Tennessee Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Zoning, 6.50.08).


Industrial Development Board of the County of Knox

Case History