Property Information
Location1136 Groner Dr.
Southeast quadrant of intersection of Groner Drive, Isabella Circle, and Clifford Street
Council District 6
Size1.80 acres
Planning SectorCentral City
Land Use Classification MDR (Medium Density Residential) MDR (Medium Density Residential)
Currently on the Property
Public-quasi public land; single family structure on property
Growth PlanWithin City limits?
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve RN-4 (General Residential Neighborhood District) zoning because it is consistent with the Central City Sector Plan designation and would require site plan review by Planning staff or the Planning Commission.
Staff Recommendation
Approve RN-4 (General Residential Neighborhood District) zoning because it is consistent with the Central City Sector Plan designation and would require site plan review by Planning staff or the Planning Commission.
The HP (Hillside Protection Overlay) District is not part of this request and would be retained.