
Concept Plan


Approved with Conditions

Approve the requested variance to reduce the radii of property lines and curbs at intersections in a commercial zone based on the following evidence of hardship.
a. There is steep topography on the site with an elevation change of approximately 100 ft

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

Western Heights
5 (Split)


1) Reduce the minimum radii of property lines and curbs at intersections in commercial zoning districts from 75 ft to 25 ft.

Property Information


Northwest side of W Oldham Ave, southwest side of McSpadden St, southeast side of Virginia Ave

Council District 6

28.56 acres

Planning Sector
Central City

Land Use Classification MDR (Medium Density Residential), HP (Hillside Protection) MDR (Medium Density Residential), HP (Hillside Protection)

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land, Right of Way/Open Space, Multifamily Residential

Growth Plan
N/A (Within City Limits)

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the requested variance to reduce the radii of property lines and curbs at intersections in a commercial zone based on the following evidence of hardship.
a. There is steep topography on the site with an elevation change of approximately 100 ft

Staff Recommendation
Approve the requested variance to reduce the radii of property lines and curbs at intersections in a commercial zone based on the following evidence of hardship.
a. There is steep topography on the site with an elevation change of approximately 100 ft
1. Submitting a transportation impact analysis (TIA) for all phases of the Western Heights redevelopment to Planning and the City of Knoxville Department of Engineering staff (Engineering) for review and approval before the design plan phase. All recommendations and conclusions of the TIA required to be completed by the applicant must be implemented in accordance with Engineering.
2. Rezoning from the RN-5 (General Residential Neighborhood) district to the C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) district (10-H-23-RZ).
3. Obtaining approval for right-of-way closures of Bonnyman Drive and Reed Street on the subject property.
4. Confirming that the road design complies with AASHTO standards during the design plan phase, with review and approval by the Knoxville Department of Engineering.
5. Meeting all applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance.
6. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knoxville Department of Engineering.
7. Connecting to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant utility provider requirements.
8. Provision of street names consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within the City of Knoxville (City Ord. 0-280-90).

What's next?

Because of its location in the CITY, appeals will be heard by Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission.
Appeals of Concept Plans and Final Plats are filed with Chancery CourtThe Process

Western Heights

James Smith

Case History