Details of Action
Approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for a Sign Permit, subject to the following condition:
1) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, as appropriate.
Property Information
Location10780 Hardin Valley Rd.
South side of Hardin Valley Rd and east side of Valley Vista Rd
Commission District 6
Size1.55 acres
Place Type DesignationMU-SD, NWCO-5 (Mixed Use Special District, , Carmichael Rd/Hardin Valley)
Currently on the Property
Commercial Strip Center
Case Notes
Details of Action
Approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for a Sign Permit, subject to the following condition:
1) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, as appropriate.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends the following actions on the required waivers from the Design Guidelines:
1) Deny the waiver to increase the maximum sign height to 19.67 ft
2) Deny the waiver to increase the maximum sign area to 440 sq ft.
3) Deny the waive to decrease the sign setback to 18 ft.
Based on the application and plans as submitted, staff recommends denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the requested sign permit and for the existing sign.