Ordinance Amendment


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

Approve the amendments to the Knoxville City Code, Appendix B, Zoning Code, Article 7.0.2.A., Common Approval Procedures, Summary of Review Authority Table, reversing the order of the ARC (Administrative Review Committee) and Administrator columns to al


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Under Article 7.0.2.A., Common Approval Procedures, Summary of Review Authority Table: Reversed the order of the ARC (Administrative Review Committee) and Administrator columns to align more consistently with the order of review process as described in Article 7. Under
Article 7.0.G.2.1, the phrase "innovative, high quality" is recommended to be deleted because it is subjective language. The addition of "and non-prohibited uses" is also recommended to clarify that the Level III: Alternative Compliance Review process is intended to allow for uses that are not prohibited uses. References of the "Metropolitan Planning Commission" were corrected to "Knoxville-Knox County Planning" in several sections of 7.02.

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This Ordinance Amendment case in the CITY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - December 29, 2023 has passed.

City of Knoxville

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