Row Closure


Approved with conditions
by the Planning Commission

Approve the request to close Layden Drive from the southwest corner of 318 Layden Drive to its eastern terminus, subject to retaining all easements including one condition, since closure would not adversely affect surrounding properties.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

Close Street From
southwest corner of 318 Layden Drive
Layden Drive's eastern terminus
Reason for Closure
Cherokee Country Club, Inc. has become the sole owner of the property surrounding Layden Drive from 318 Layden Drive to its eastern terminus. Cherokee Country Club, Inc. whishes to close the portion of Layden Drive surrounded by its property, as shown on the attached map, for the purpose of redevelopment.


KUB and the City Engineering Department have requested to retain any easements that may be in place.

Property Information

0 Layden Dr.

Council District 2

West City

Growth Plan
N/A (Within City Limits)

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
Approve the request to close Layden Drive from the southwest corner of 318 Layden Drive to its eastern terminus, subject to retaining all easements including one condition, since closure would not adversely affect surrounding properties.
1) Maintain permanent easements for Knoxville Utility Board's gas and water utilities spanning 7.5 ft from the facility centerlines for total widths of 15 ft each.
Disposition Summary
Approve the request to close Layden Drive from the southwest corner of 318 Layden Drive to its eastern terminus, subject to retaining all easements including one condition, since closure would not adversely affect surrounding properties.

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
This Row Closure case in the City was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - December 29, 2023 has passed.

Cherokee Country Club

Case History