Property Information
Location3700 Pleasant Ridge Rd
Southwest corner of Pleasant Ridge Rd. and Sycamore Dr. West of West Industrial Parkway.
Council District 3
Census Tract 28
Size3.23 acres
Planning SectorCentral City
Land Use Classification LI (Light Industrial) LI (Light Industrial)
Currently on the Property
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
RECOMMEND that City Council APPROVE I-2 (Restricted Manufacturing and Warehousing).
Staff Recommendation
RECOMMEND that City Council APPROVE I-2 (Restricted Manufacturing and Warehousing).
Staff recommends I-2 zoning on two contiguous parcels to the northeast and northwest of the currently zoned I-2 parcel (093DC01301) used by Custom Foods, located at 3600 Pleasant Ridge Rd. The zoning request is from I-1 to I-2, consistent with the Central City Sector Plan's and One Year Plan's LI (Light Industrial) land use designation.