Applicant Request
From West corner of parcel 104 046
To Andes Road
Proposed Street Name Bailey Farm Drive
Reason for Change
Renamed as a result of Schaad Rd realignment.
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve the name change from Ball Camp Pike to Bailey Farm Drive as requested by Knox County Engineering & Public Works.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the name change from Ball Camp Pike to Bailey Farm Drive as requested by Knox County Engineering & Public Works.
1. The Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works has requested that a section of Ball Camp Pike be renamed Bailey Farm Drive. The proposed change will affect the section starting at the west corner of parcel 104 046 and ending at Andes Road. This change is being proposed due to the realignment of Schaad Road.
2. Ball Camp Pike will no longer run contiguously through this area. A portion of Ball Camp Pike is being removed, so there will be non-contiguous sections of Ball Camp Pike, which does not comply with the Knox County Uniform Street Naming and Addressing Ordinance. The portion of Ball Camp Pike being removed runs from just west of the Byington Solway Road intersection to the northeast point where Andes Road has forked to connect with Ball Camp Pike.
3. Knox County Engineering submitted a request to approve the name change of Ball Camp Pike to Hitching Post Drive in October 2024 (10-D-24-SNC). The Planning Commission postponed the request to allow for more coordination with community members who were opposed to the name change.
4. The Knox County Emergency Communications District preferred a different name from Hitching Post Drive per Section 3.04 K of the Subdivision Regulations since the new Schaad Road route crosses a major arterial. Addressing Staff worked with Emergency Communications on new street name options that residents could vote on.
5. Knox County Engineering mailed letters to residents impacted by the name change for input on the new street name. Residents were provided three street name options, and 'Bailey Farm Drive' received the most votes.
6. The proposed street name change from Ball Camp Pike to Bailey Farm Drive will require 27 addresses to be reassigned.
7. The name change meets all requirements of Knox County's Code of Ordinances, Chapter 54, Article II, Section 54-40.What's next?
This Street Name Change case in the COUNTY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - January 11, 2025 has passed.