Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


This proposal is a sidewalk improvement project by the City of Knoxville. The project limits are the sections of sidewalk on Market Street between Cumberland Avenue and Church Street and on Union Avenue between Gay Street and Market Street.

Two design options were presented by Hedstrom Design at a public meeting on September 1st. Both options included new street cross sections, on street parking, street trees, and wider sidewalks with decorative treatments in the furnishing zone. The majority of attendees preferred Option A, which has been submitted for the Downtown Design Review Board's review. Additional work has been done to recommend trees that will not block views into retail establishments, determine the best location for trees and consider lighting typology and locations for each street.

The sidewalk improvements include a more consistent sidewalk system (particularly on Market Street), wider sidewalks in most cases, street trees with tree grates, pedestrian scaled lighting, bike racks, and permeable pavers at the back of the curb. On-street parking would remain on both streets, and increase on Market. The proposed lighting would have the acorn fixture to be consistent with the other lighting downtown but is proposed to be dark sky compliant with full cut off.

One existing Bradford Pear tree will be removed on Market Street to allow for the alteration of the curb line. Three existing trees on Union Avenue, adjacent to Krutch Park, will remain and have their pits expanded and covered with tree grates.

Market Street and Union Avenue
Applicant Request
This proposal is a sidewalk improvement project by the City of Knoxville. The project limits are the sections of sidewalk on Market Street between Cumberland Avenue and Church Street and on Union Avenue between Gay Street and Market Street.

Two design options were presented by Hedstrom Design at a public meeting on September 1st. Both options included new street cross sections, on street parking, street trees, and wider sidewalks with decorative treatments in the furnishing zone. The majority of attendees preferred Option A, which has been submitted for the Downtown Design Review Board's review. Additional work has been done to recommend trees that will not block views into retail establishments, determine the best location for trees and consider lighting typology and locations for each street.

The sidewalk improvements include a more consistent sidewalk system (particularly on Market Street), wider sidewalks in most cases, street trees with tree grates, pedestrian scaled lighting, bike racks, and permeable pavers at the back of the curb. On-street parking would remain on both streets, and increase on Market. The proposed lighting would have the acorn fixture to be consistent with the other lighting downtown but is proposed to be dark sky compliant with full cut off.

One existing Bradford Pear tree will be removed on Market Street to allow for the alteration of the curb line. Three existing trees on Union Avenue, adjacent to Krutch Park, will remain and have their pits expanded and covered with tree grates.

Staff Comments
Section 1.A.1&4 deal with pedestrian and bicycle safety, and downtown beautification. In staffs opinion, this proposal meets the intent all the applicable guideline requirements.

Case History