by the Planning Commission
Deny the request to remove the previously approved planned district designation from this parcel.
See case notes below
Deny the request to remove the previously approved planned district designation from this parcel.
The C-R Regional Commercial Zoning District is intended to accommodate medium- to large-scale commercial development within the City of Knoxville that serves both local and regional markets. Such development may generate a considerable amount of traffic, and typically requires significant area for off- street parking. High-density residential uses are also permitted within the C-R District, to facilitate mixed-use development where appropriate. The C-R District is divided into two
levels of intensity related to the overall form and design of the
development; however, uses are the same across all levels.
East side of Thunderhead Rd., West side of Town Center Blvd., South side of Boardwalk Blvd.
Council District 2
Land Use Classification MU-CC (Mixed Use Community Center) MU-CC (Mixed Use Community Center)
SU cases do not move forward to City Council unless the request is to remove a planned district designation from the zoning map.