Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


3411 Thomas St 37921

Micheal Micheal Haynes

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
All these description override any discrepancies that may be shown on the architectural drawings/plot plan.

Architectural Elevations - The porch shall include a balustrade that is no higher than 36", front door shall be a 4 panel door, right of the door shall be twin windows each with a dimension of 3/0 X 5/0. A 10" frieze board shall be installed on the main gable. The main gable shall have a rectangular vent. The exposed foundation shall be a smooth stucco finish. The right side elevation shall have a second window.

Site Plan - The site plan shall include a sidewalk to the street and driveway, tree planted in the front yard, 10' wide driveway that extend 20' beyond the habitable portion of the house. The front setback shall be 19.5'.

All other details shall be consistent with the stamped and approved plans.

Micheal Micheal Haynes

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History