Development Plan

Planning Commission


Approved with conditions
by the Planning Commission

Approve the development plan for a gas station with a convenience store and car wash, subject to 8 conditions.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information


East side of Bakertown Rd, north side of Schaad Rd

Commission District 6

3.83 acres

Place Type Designation
SMR (Suburban Mixed Residential)

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Fire Department / District
Karns Fire Department

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the development plan for a gas station with a convenience store and car wash, subject to 8 conditions.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the development plan for a gas station with a convenience store and car wash, subject to 8 conditions.
1) If during design plan approval or construction of the development, it is discovered that unforeseen off-site improvements within the right-of-way are necessary, the developer will either enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the County for these improvements or reimburse the County for their direct expenses (if completed by County crews) to make corrections deemed necessary.
2) Entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with Knox County Engineering and Public Works to widen Bakertown Rd to 20 ft with a 5 ft sidewalk and 2 ft shoulders.
3) Implementing the recommendations of the Weigel's Store #118 on Bakertown Road Traffic Letter (Ardurra, 10/25/2024) as required by Knox County Engineering and Public Works during the design plan phase. If the TIS is further revised, it must be submitted to the Planning staff for review and approval by all applicable agencies.
4) Provide a Type B landscape screen along the northern boundary (Exhibit B). The detailed landscape plan must be submitted to Planning staff for review and approval during permitting.
5) Light sources shall be arranged so that lighting is directed away from any boundary of the lot or tract and does not trespass on adjacent residential uses.
6) Adding a note to the final plat that the access easement, as shown on the development plan, must be recorded before building permits are issued.
7) Meeting the requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, including but not limited to the standards of the PC zone (Article 5.33) and Signs, billboards, and other advertising structures (Article 3.90).
8) Meeting all requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.

With the conditions noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval in the PC district and the criteria for approval of a development plan.
This proposal is for a new Weigel's gas station, convenience store, and car wash. The project site is 3.83 acres of a 7-acre parcel on the newly built Schaad Road at Bakertown Road.

In the exercise of its administrative judgment, the Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed plan is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance and adopted plans.

PC (k) (Planned Commercial), subject to one condition: No development plan for commercial development shall be accepted for review by MPC (now Knoxville-Knox County Planning) until the new Ball Camp Pike realignment is completed adjacent to this site. MPC and County Engineering staff will determine when the road project is at a point of sufficient completion.
A. Staff has determined that a development plan can be approved since the road is open but still under construction. The traffic letter states that the 30-mph posted speed limit is temporary until the full section is completed, at which time the speed limit will most likely match the other sections of the completed roadway, which are posted at 45 mph.
B. The PC zone is intended for a unified grouping of commercial buildings that do not require or desire a central business district location. This zone's objective is to achieve the highest quality site design, building arrangement, landscaping, and traffic circulation patterns possible. The plan is for a gas station with a convenience center and car wash on one lot. A landscape plan has been provided to buffer the residential zone to the rear and screen the parking lot. The property will have 2 right-in, right-out driveways on Schaad Road. There will be one driveway on Bakertown Road, which will run along the rear of the property and connect to another commercial lot by an access easement.

A. Implementation Policy 2.1: Create buffers or transitions. - A Type B buffer has been provided along the rear of the property adjacent to the residential. This is a 12-ft dense screening buffer that should fully screen the residential lots from the subject development.
B. Implementation Policy 4.2: Require pedestrian and vehicular connectivity with development. - A sidewalk along Bakertown Rd connecting to Schaad Rd sidewalks will be constructed.
C. Implementation Policy 9.6: Align capital improvement projects. - The Schaad Road construction project creates an opportunity for more mixed-use development.

A. The property is classified as SMR (Suburban Mixed Residential), where commercial use is considered secondary. SMR is typically located near or adjacent to collector roads within proximity to existing or planned neighborhood services. The new Schaad Rd is an arterial street, while Bakertown Rd is a collector street. This intersection of classified roads is an appropriate location for commercial use within the SMR place type. This property is adjacent to residential development and is part of the larger PC-zoned parcel, out of which this will likely be subdivided.

A. The property is within the Planned Growth Boundary. The purposes of the Planned Growth Boundary designation are to encourage a reasonably compact pattern of development, promote the expansion of the Knox County economy, offer a wide range of housing choices, and coordinate the actions of the public and private sectors, particularly with regard to the provision of adequate roads, utilities, schools, drainage and other public facilities and services. The proposal complies with the Planned Growth Boundary.

What's next?

Planning Commission decisions on Development Plans (DP) are final unless appealed.

Appeals can be filed with the Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the Planning Commission's decision (Knox County, Tennessee Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Zoning, 6.50.08).


Batson Himes Norvell and Poe

Case History