Approve the AG (Agricultural) district because it is a minor extension of zoning that is more compatible with the surrounding natural area. The HP (Hillside Protection Overlay) would be retained.
Approve the AG (Agricultural) district because it is a minor extension of zoning that is more compatible with the surrounding natural area. The HP (Hillside Protection Overlay) would be retained.
To facilitate development that reinforces and enhances the existing varied character areas of downtown Knoxville, the DK District is divided into five sub-districts that include tailored dimensional and design standards:
DK-B Downtown Knoxville Boulevards Subdistrict, intended to accommodate those areas of Downtown characterized by wide, planted boulevards, and a green, open landscape.
DK-G Downtown Knoxville Grid Subdistrict, intended to accommodate those areas of Downtown predominantly
characterized by the traditional 300 foot by 300 foot grid pattern established in the Plan of the City.
DK-H Downtown Knoxville Historic Core Subdistrict, intended for areas with a preponderance of historic and cultural resources.
DK-W Downtown Knoxville Warehouse Subdistrict, for the area located primarily along Jackson Avenue and the rail yard on the north end of Downtown.
DK-E Downtown Edge Subdistrict, intended to address areas of transition between the higher intensity of Downtown and adjacent smaller-scale mixed-use areas
The HP District is intended to protect Knoxville's significant natural topographic features, and to prevent potential serious consequences from hillside development, such as increased erosion, fire, or flood hazards, and property damage.
The AG General Agricultural Zoning District is intended to provide for agricultural uses that comprise an important part of the economy of Knoxville. The intent is to permit lands best suited for agriculture to be used for agriculture purposes, and prevent the encroachment of incompatible land uses on farm lands and protect the physical and economic wellbeing of agricultural operations.
Council District 5
Land Use Classification LDR (Low Density Residential), NC (Neighborhood Commercial), HP (Hillside Protection) LDR (Low Density Residential), NC (Neighborhood Commercial), HP (Hillside Protection)